The board of trustees are responsible for ensuring the charity meets the responsibilities laid out by the charity commission. The trustees are responsible for receiving reports from other committees and overseeing the conduct and operation of the hall charity. Trustees me four times a year and make decisions such as: allocating budget, making appointments, having an overview and scrutiny of other parts of the charity and ensuring the charity complies with its legal responsibilities and public benefit. Trustees hold the lease for the Civic Hall.
Nikki Smith – Vice Chair
Rachel Hardy
Sam Margrave – Chair
Directors and The Management Committee
Directors, under the CEO and deputy CEO, make operational decisions on a day to day and week to week basis of a management system and regular leadership board meetings. This allows decisions to be taken quickly within agreed strategic policies, and to ensure the running of The Civic Hall.
Directors, Trustees and other Co-optees are appointed by the trustees with delegated responsibility as a Sub-Committee of the charity to develop and decide on policies, to consider reports from Directors, set the vision and strategy of the organisation, and to have strategic oversight of operations. The management committee meet 5 times a year.
Friends of The Civic Hall and Annual All-Members Meetings
Patrons and volunteers can join The Friends of Bedworth Civic Hall to be involved in having a say in how the organisation is run by being consulted, as well as involved with social events and functions. Members of friends of Bedworth; non-voting members of the charity. Each year an all members meeting shall be held, so all Members can listen to a report on how the charity has done in the preceding year and to hear about future plans. This also serves as an opportunity for members to meet each other, and to influence the direction of The Civic Hall.