Babes in Arms

We offer Babes in Arms tickets on all performances, which allows you to bring an infant under 18 months old (at the time of the performance, not the time of booking) into a show where they will be on the lap of a parent/guardian and will not be charged for their own seat. We recommend booking tickets on the end of a row (or as close as possible) so if you need to leave, then your exit will cause minimal disturbance to patrons around you. It is your responsibility to make sure that your infant doesn’t disturb other visitors to the venue and you may be asked to step outside of the auditorium if members of staff feel it is necessary to request this of you.

Babes in Arms tickets are bookable in two ways. These can be retrospectively added to your order by calling the Box Office (who can also answer any questions you may have about our protocol) or via the website as a specific ticket type. Once you have selected your seats on the seating plan and clicked to continue, a drop-down menu will appear where you will need to change the ticket type to factor in how many Babes in Arms you will need. Please note that you only need to change the amount of tickets to Standard inc. Babes in Arms per infant you are bringing. If you have any questions, please email us on